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Xfinity etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

18 Eylül 2011 Pazar

The Cable Show 2011: The Park Xfinity TV App Demo

Image by The Cable ShowOnlookers at The Park watch as Tom Blaxland, Sr. Director of Product Management for Comcast Interactive Media discusses the Xfinity TV App. The Park is The Cable Show 2011′s live stage events area on the exhibit floor. Leave a ReplyClick here to cancel reply. Name (required) Email (required) - will not be published Website (optional) Comments Featured Tags ssmidt: haha hvor sejt !...zZzZzO0o: Does have Disney Channal??? I have Nokia N97 too, ...snowmane61: This app sucks, I used to have it, it has nooo goo...eldrei579: dude I have a problem with my g1, it shuts...